I don't know the answer to that question, but clearly Katrina does as she is my guest photographer for the family shots. The whole family has been together a few weeks in a row so we pounced upon the opportunity to trick Katrina into taking a photo that includes our newest redheaded family member.
This photo is a rare accomplishment because you can at least see some of everyone's face... even pink pony. I'm not sure how that bearded man avoided holding a child. Maybe he's not as popular as the rest of the adults.
Everyone was supposed to be looking in a different direction in this photo, but even that is hard to accomplish with sixteen people. Also, the redhead and pink pony's owner are faceless in this one. It's a fun photo anyway.
This little girl wandered from the group. I caught her as she was taking off with a rose. I think we need to bring a sheepdog to family get togethers to solve this wandering child problem.
Sissy thought it would be fun to take some portraits with the new wide angle lens.
I don't think I'm capable of appearing in a series of photos without leaping in at least half of them. The rest look like I'm flapping my arms trying to fly.
For all of you who wonder what a family get together is like at my parent's home, these photos do not capture even the tiniest glimpse of the madness. Maybe next time...
I need to figure out how to make your camera do my bidding. Some of those other jumping photos could have been good too.