Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Fun Game! (in more ways than one)

On the second half of Saturday we took Collins to the first weekend of baseball.  Here's another view of that city of ours from a patio I never noticed before at the river side of the ballpark.

Prior to Collins' joining the family, I had a game with my prior unnamed camera.  I always wanted a photo of the ball smearing through the frame.  Each of the below photos shows the ball.  The game is trying to find it. (Helpful hint:  You may want to click on the photos so they're larger than these tiny ones it auto-adjusts to)

To start, this is a simple, easy to see ball being thrown by Jeff Karstens to open the game.

I could post a ton of these pitching photos, but I think the batters are really more fun. Here is a still ball that looks like it took a bounce post-pitch. 

This is a good photo of how to bat a solid strike.

McCutchen is one of my favorite players, so I took a lot of photos of him batting and running.  Here is McCutchen batting early in the game. 

The ball isn't easy to see in this one, but it's hard to catch Hanrahan mid-throw.  The guy moves a lot faster than the other pitcher.

This last photo is my favorite of the night.  McCutchen stole second base late in the game.  This shows that the call at the base was definately a good one.

I'm very impressed with Collins' first trip to the ballpark.  It was much better than the zoo.  Maybe we won't throw Collins in the trash quite yet.


  1. You lie. There is no ball in the second-to-last one.

    1. I told you it's hard to see! It runs underneath the green fence above the angled part of the white line. I could prove it with multiple frames, but that would be a very boring blog post.
